Submillimeter-wave Passive Remote Sensing of Ice Clouds

Journal Articles

A paper about a new ice cloud profile retrieval algorithm has been published in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques . It uses in situ microphysical and humidity measurements from TC4 along with CloudSat data for the a priori information, performs retrievals with CoSSIR data, and evaluates the retrievals with Cloud Radar System data from TC4.

A paper about retrievals of anvil ice cloud properties from CRYSTAL-FACE CoSSIR data and validation with the Cloud Radar System (CRS) has been published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology .

A paper describing the JPL SWCIR instrument, the Bayesian retrieval algorithm, and simulations of retrieval accuracy was published in JGR:

A paper using radiative transfer modeling to gain a detailed understanding of submillimeter cirrus remote sensing was published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology:

A paper exploring the potential of a submillimeter spectrometer for cirrus remote sensing was also published in JAM:

My work in this area started with a theoretical exploration of microwave radiative transfer in nonspherical cirrus ice crystals. Two papers were published from this portion of my PhD thesis:


A channel selection study (2003) (431 kB PDF) describes ice cloud retrieval simulations of 26 microwave channel sets with frequencies from 183 to 916 GHz and 6 sets of four infrared wavelength bands to try to determine the optimal channels for cirrus retrievals. A section of the report describes retrieval simulations for clouds with horizontally oriented particles and investigates issues of polarization.

Last modified: January 4, 2018

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